Horse Locomotion

This project dives into the movements of a horse. With this rig I want to show advanced quadruped mechanics as well as fundemental movement, such as walk and run cycles. It is a personal project I've been working on in between my study work. The movement is derived from real-life reference, which I've analyzed in Syncsketch in order to get the key poses *just* right.

Project Specifics Personal Project, Maya Sequence Engine x Date November 2020 - present My role(s) Animator


Having always been fascinated by horses, it wasn't difficult for me to choose this subject as a personal project. The process also made me realise how complex the movements of a horse gait can be. From this a lot of challenges arose; from which I don't shy away! I've already learnt a lot from this project and it is still a work in progress as of now.

The rig is from This rig specifically I will be animating a sequence with in Maya 2020.

Look at the showreel here:

Process Specifics

The horse was animated in Maya 2020. Playblast render in Maya 2020 - 24 FPS.