Fairytale Fix-Up

Play as Daisy, a young girl tasked with mending the stories in her grandfather's fairytale book. Enter a world where the stories of the brothers Grimm, Hans Christian Andersen and more are reality and solve puzzles to repair and progress the stories to their happy endings.

Project Specifics School Project, Videogame Engine Unreal Engine 4 Date June 2019 My role(s) Gameplay Animator


As a gameplay animator for Fairytale Fix-Up, I animated Daisy, the main character, and Belle (NPC). I created an opening cinematic for the game in Unreal Engine 4, using Motion Capture data from a shoot where I was the actress in the suit. This cinematic sadly did not make it into the game in time. Some of the shoot footage can be found in my MoCap Reel.

Due to lack of time for this project, I did not implement the animations myself, but worked together with one of the team's programmers to get them in the game.

Look at my reels here:

Look at the trailer here:

Process Specifics

Daisy and Belle's gameplay animations were keyframed in Autodesk Maya 2018, using real-life reference.

Cinematic was made with Motion Capture data, cleaned up in Autodesk MotionBuilder 2019, facial animation keyframed in Maya according to reference shot with the FaceWare helmet during the MoCap shoot. Camera movement and final cinematic created using UE4's Sequencer.